Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First time to blog.

This is my first time to blog. Nothing much to say. Just want to remember this memorable day 10 September 2008, 7.43 a.m. During these few days, I went to jogging at Menjalara Park at every morning. I feel tired of exercising physically but I think my inner strength has become stronger and stronger after doing exercise. I want to thanks my sister because she is the one who woke me up. I hope I could keep this up for several months so that I would be paid off with entire healthy and new beings

I'm not a talk-active and less sociable person. Therefore, there are many feelings are buried deep inside my heart. This is the reason that induced me to start blogging. That's why I entitled my blog as "My soul whispers". Let's hope this blogging and whispering will reveal what I really feel and to mould me into a perfect beings.